Sacred Scenes

It was in 2018 that I met this wonderfull man Jos van Geel. He is gifted with the ability to receive messages from nature. For a few years now, he has been channeling sacred places around the globe, mostly mountains. I was prevelaged to receive some of the messages. Connecting with these mountains trough meditation I was inspired to create a mandala for each one of them.

“It has always fascinated me to seek contact with guides and elements of nature. It started out of a kind of childish curiosity. Contact with what surrounds us quickly made me aware that there is more than you perceive, that everything is ensouled, that everything is alive and has consciousness. I wanted to know how they live and how I, as a small piece, fit into the fascinating puzzle of “the bigger picture.”

Jos van Geel

Mount Ararat

“Our knowledge brings joy to those who may hear it.
So let me tell you it has to do with all of our happiness.
It’s the reason why we are, why this IS
and why our souls in vulnerability desire the same.”

Cella Art | mandala | Sacred Mountains | Ararat

Ararat Mandala

Mandala in mixed media on handmade paper ø 23 cm. Base in aquarel, pastels, color pencil and ink.
Composition using copper wire, chalk paper, Sahara sand, amber, ground pepper, pink Himalayan salt.

Machu Pichu

“I want to mention that possession does not bring happiness
and that our job is to find what we love to do.
Only in this way can we become happy.”

Machu Pichu

Machu Pichu Mandala

Mandala in mixed media on handmade paper ø 23 cm. Base in aquarel, oil crayon and pastels.
Composition using colored sheep’s wool, bird feathers, black tea, amber, coconut bark, seeds and kernels, herbs and spices.

Cella Art | mandala | Sacred Mountains | Sea Picture Wave

The Sea

“We gather wisdom that resides IN the earth.
And you have learned to listen with your heart to our voice”

The Sea

Sea Mandala

Mandala in mixed media on handmade paper ø 25 cm. Base in watercolor and black tea.
Composition using sheep’s wool, wallpaper, cotton thread, pearl beads, shells, quartz, beach sand and sea salt.


“Your body is constantly telling you how it feels about something.
It is our response to this that determines in which direction the stimulus goes.”


Shamballah Mandala

Mandala in mixed media on handmade paper ø 23 cm. Base in watercolor, oil crayon and pastels.
Composition using diffent colors of sand, black tea, ash, spices like ginger and cinnamon, salt and Rose quarts.

Mount Fuji

“What connects us all is our origin. This means that we are connected to one and the same source that directs us to its image.
By being aware of this we can remember that love binds us in oneness.”

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji Mandala

Mandala in mixed media on handmade paper ø 23 cm.
Base in watercolor, oil crayon and pastels. Composition using diffent colors of sand, black tea, ash, spices like ginger and cinnamon, salt and Rose quarts.

Table Mountain

“It will be an important step if people can hear what lives in our souls,
how we experience our presence. And what drives us in our earthly passage.”

Table Mountain

Table Mountain

Mandala in mixed media on handmade paper ø 23 cm. Base in watercolor, oil crayon and pastels. Composition using herbs like rosemary and oregan, black tea, bird feathers, wool, lentils, chia seeds, dried flowers, sand, salt and quarts.